
George took up photography in high school A darkroom provided provided a place to learn basic processing and printing in black and white. Early interests included landscape and railroad subjects, including steam locomotives. Purchase of his first digital camera came in 2004 for a trip to Inner Mongolia to see the final days of steam power on a mainline railroad in the world.

George retired in 2018 after a 25 year career as Executive Director for regional transportation planning agencies. He holds Masters degrees from UC Berkeley in Regional Planning and Transportation Engineering. Before working in transportation,  George ran a small woodworking and cabinet business for 15 years in the Central Sierra foothills. He lives in Murphys, California with wife Nancy.

About ten years ago he developed a fascination with birds, which evolved into a passion that continues. A twelve year employment in Santa Cruz County afforded many fruitful encounters with shore and water birds. A 2017 visit to the island of Hawaii provided a chance to photograph rare and endangered bird species in the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. He is an active member of the Central Sierra Audubon Society. He currently shoots with Nikon D500 and D7100 cameras and various Nikon and Tamron lenses. George and Nancy enjoy travel in the western states with their small travel trailer, always in search of finding new avian friends.




(831) 332-5441


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